Chris ChittyThe Ultimate Confidence Coach
Confidence Coaching for YOUR Life and Business
"It's not the mountain we conquer... but ourselves"
Edmund Hillary
Privacy Policy
We are Chris Chitty Confidence Coach, based in Uckfield, East Sussex
We use the information we collect about you, for the purpose stated when it is collected i.e “to join our mailing list” or to receive specific information such as a “quotation”
If you have booked a service, such as coaching, we will use your email address supplied to update you with regard to this service
If you have opted in to our mailing list, or members area we may also use your details to keep you up to date via our marketing, sometimes using this information to tailor our advertising with third party organisations such as Facebook.
Similar to many websites, we use cookies to improve our users experience, and to allow us to tailor our marketing of our services. Cookies are small files which are stored on your computer, and designed to identify our users. By using this website you agree to our use of cookies, unless you decide to disable them.
If you wish to be be removed from our mailing list please contact us here